We, as Yinka Dene Dakelhne and Tse’khene, have a shared responsibly to exercise our rights as Carrier Sekani First Nations as we are stewards of the land. We commit to work together and protect that which sustains and defines us.
News & Events
Stellat’en First Nation and Nadleh Whut’en Reeling after Closure of Fraser Lake Sawmill
(Stellaquo Village/Nadleh Village/Fraser Lake, BC) Stellat’en First Nation and Nadleh Whut’en chiefs and councils are expressing deep sympathy to those who have lost their jobs due to the sudden closure of the Fraser Lake Sawmill.…
According to the Pathway Forward Agreement 2.0, funds for governance allocation are intended use under section 7.11 Governance Work: These listed commitments provide funding for nations to revitalize our governance systems, and ensure that our…
Language Revitalization
Revitalizing Dakelh and Sekani in our communities has been a central priority in the Carrier Sekani First Nations’ government-to-government negotiations. As a result of these negotiations, the Pathway Forward Agreement (PFA) was signed in 2017…